- Íbúar
- 0-6 ára börn
- Grunnskólaaldur
- Ungmenni
- Okkar Kópavogur
- Heimili
- Fatlað fólk
- Eldra fólk
- Félagsleg úrræði
- Stuðningur við börn og fjölskyldur þeirra
- Þjónustuver og neyðarsímar
- Mannlíf
- Umhverfi
- Stjórnsýsla
- Umsóknir og eyðublöð
Municipalities and Civil Protection and Emergency Management of the greater Reykjavík area has decided to have an organizational day í preschools, primary schools Music schools and after school centers on Monday, November 2 because of tightened mitigation rules set by the government to prevent COVID-19.
Monday November 2 will be used to plan school work with the teachers and other school staff.
Children in preschools and primary schools should therefore not come to school on Monday, November 2. Further information about this will be sent from the schools to parents and guardians. Schools will be opened again on Tuesday, November 3.