- Íbúar
- 0-6 ára börn
- Grunnskólaaldur
- Ungmenni
- Okkar Kópavogur
- Heimili
- Fatlað fólk
- Eldra fólk
- Félagsleg úrræði
- Stuðningur við börn og fjölskyldur þeirra
- Þjónustuver og neyðarsímar
- Mannlíf
- Umhverfi
- Stjórnsýsla
- Umsóknir og eyðublöð
As of 4 May, larger gatherings will be limited to 50 people, instead of 20. Service providers, such as hair salons and dentists, will be able to open their doors again. High schools and universities will reopen with certain limitations, while elementary schools and preschools will return to normal. The decision is based on the recommendations of the Chief Epidemiologist.
Main changes from 4th of May
Limits on large gatherings will go from 20 to 50 people. The two-meter social distancing rule will still be in effect.
Schools and preschools will operate normally.
High schools and universities will reopen, but the 50-person limit and two-meter social distancing measures apply.
Various services: Hair salons, massage parlours, physical therapy clinics, beauty parlours, museums, and other similar services can reopen, but are to maintain the two-meter social distancing rule as possible.
Healthcare: Healthcare and dental practices (elective surgery excluded) will resume.
Organized sports activities for children are permitted outdoors with limitations:
Other organized sports activities are permitted outdoors with limitations:
The following measures will remain in effect: