Day parents

Day parents who are responsible for the day care of children are independent contractors. The Kópavogur Department of Education, however, is responsible for the management and supervision of their operations and providing day parents and parents with consultancy services.

There are numerous issues that must be considered when selecting a day parent. Parents are advised to familiarise themselves thoroughly with the services available from the day parent in question as well as with the facilities.  Parents are advised to find out about the arrangements and facilities of more than one day parent and then select the person whom they are most comfortable with.

Below are the main aspects relating to day parents and common questions that parents have asked.

The process when a day parent is selected

When selecting a day parent, parents are advised to find out about the services offered and familiarise themselves with all circumstances in the home used for the operation, e.g. inside and outside play facilities, rest facilities and toys on offer. Parents should find out about the arrangements and facilities of more than one day parent and then select the person whom they are most comfortable with.
When the decision on a day parent has been made, a three-way care agreement will be made, i.e. between the day parent, the parents and Kópavogur local authorities. 
It should be noted that the placement of a child is always the responsibility of the parent.
Click here to see a list of day parents.

Subsidisation of fees to day parents

Rules on the contribution of Kópavogur municipality as regards the placement of children with day parents. The Municipal Authorities of Kópavogur agree to pay a monthly payment, for eleven months a year, for the placement of children with day parents. The conditions for the payment of a contribution for the placement of a child with a day parent are as follows:

1. The child must be domiciled in Kópavogur. 

2. Payments may begin when the child has reached the age of ten months, or six months in the case of a single parent. 

3. The day parent in question must have an operating licence in accordance with the Regulation on daycare in private residences. 

4. The child must have accident insurance. 

5. A placement agreement must been reached between the day parent, parent and Kópavogur local authorities.

Single parents, students where both parents are full-time students and the disabled who have a disability assessment of 75% or more pay a lower fee and the contribution of Kópavogur is higher in such cases. 

Students must submit a certificate confirming their academic progress after each semester and the discount is retroactively corrected after each semester. Discounts for students do not apply from 1 June to 31 August unless the parents are engaged in full-time summer study courses. 

Kópavogur municipality grants a 50% sibling discount for a second child and a 75% discount for a third child, where siblings are in daycare at the same time. Sibling discounts are also granted in addition to other discounts. In addition, sibling discounts are granted on general nursery school fees and admission fees to Dægradvöl (after-school daycare) if younger siblings (aged six months or older) are with a day parent and also if younger siblings are in Dægradvöl or in nursery school. 

For further information, see the price list for nursery schools and Dægradvöl fees.

Counselling services in daycare

Counselling services in daycare involve both the provision of information and advice to day parents and guidance and information to parents. Advice and support to day parents is in the form of regular visits by the daycare representative at least twice a year. Advice is also provided by telephone.  Parents are also welcome to contact the daycare representative if necessary.

Day parent monitoring

Monitoring duties are in the hands of day parents, parents and a dedicated monitoring representative within the Department of Education. 
The monitoring representative is María Kristjánsdóttir. 

The monitoring process is threefold:

1. Internal monitoring
Day parents send in registration forms to the daycare representative for the children who are beginning and the children who are leaving daycare. The daycare representative registers the information in the system and the monitoring representative uses this declaration report for external monitoring.

2. External monitoring
The monitoring representative pays three unannounced visits to the home of a day parent and checks the circumstances each time.

 3. Information from parents
Information is formally obtained once a year from parents as regards their opinion of the daycare arrangements of day parents.
Particular note is made of the fact that despite everything, the parents are in the best position to monitor the operation of day parents as they are in daily contact with the day parent.

Operating licence of day parents

All those who receive a licence to operate day care in private homes must fulfil certain conditions.  Click here to see the Regulation.

Kópavogur municipality grants operating licences to day parents and is responsible for monitoring them. When applying for an operating licence for the first time, the licence is granted for one year. During that year, the day parent may not have more than four children, including their own children, under the age of six staying at any one time. After the one-year trial period, permission is granted for one additional child.

The daycare representative provides day parents with advice and visits them once a year with the intention of providing professional support.

Changes to the child's duration of stay

To change the duration of the child's stay with a day parent you will need to fill in a form which can be accessed below.
It is extremely important that the form is submitted before the fifteenth day of the month before the change is to come into effect.

Click here to fill in the form

Applying for daycare

Applications for placement are made directly to the day parent that you have selected from the list.

  • Subsidisation of fees to day parents


    Bæjarstjórn Kópavogs samþykkir að greiða mánaðarlega í ellefu mánuði á ári framlag vegna dvalar barna hjá dagforeldri. *Ekki er greitt fyrir sumarleyfismánuði, júlí eða ágúst.

    Skilyrði fyrir greiðslu framlags vegna barns hjá dagforeldri eru eftirfarandi:

    1. Barn sé með lögheimili í Kópavogi
    2. Barn sé slysatryggt hjá dagforeldri
    3. Fyrir liggi dvalarsamningur milli dagforeldris, foreldra og Kópavogsbæjar
    4. Viðkomandi dagforeldri hafi starfsleyfi samkvæmt reglugerð um daggæslu í heimahúsum
    5. Barn njóti ekki annarra niðurgreiðslna vegna vistunar barnsins

    Greiðslur geta hafist þegar barn hefur náð tíu mánaða aldri en sex mánaða aldri ef foreldi er einstætt.

    Einstæðir foreldrar, námsmenn þar sem báðir foreldrar eru í fullu námi og öryrkjar með metna örorku 75% eða meira greiða lægra gjald og er framlag Kópavogsbæjar því hærra í þeim tilvikum.

    Námsmenn þurfa að framvísa vottorði til staðfestingar um námsárangur eftir hverja önn og er afsláttur leiðréttur eftirá fyrir hverja önn. Afsláttur til námsmanna gildir ekki 1. júní til 31. ágúst, nema foreldrar séu í fullu sumarnámi.

    Kópavogsbær veitir 50% systkinaafslátt með öðru barni og 75% vegna þriðja barns ef um er að ræða systkini í dvöl hjá dagforeldri

    Framlög vegna dvalar barna hjá dagforeldrum miðast við neðangreindar gjaldskrár. Annarsvegar eru framlög vegna barna að 15 mánaða aldri og hins vegar framlög vegna barna 15 mánaða og eldri. Miðað er við mánuðinn sem barnið verður 15 mánaða.

    Ný gjaldskrá tekur gildi 1. janúar 2025

    Framlög vegna barna að 15 mánaða aldri

    Hjón og foreldrar í sambúð
    Einstæðir foreldrar, foreldrar í námi, öryrkjar
    49.384 kr.
    60.428 kr.
    55.557 kr.
    67.982 kr.
    61.730 kr.
    75.535 kr.
    67.903 kr.
    83.089 kr.
    74.076 kr.
    90.642 kr.
    80.249 kr.
    89.196 kr.
    86.422 kr.
    105.749 kr.
    92.595 kr.
    113.303 kr.
    98.768 kr.
    120.856 kr.
    98.768 kr.
    120.856 kr.
    98.768 kr.
    120.856 kr.

    Subsidisation of fees to day parents

    Framlög vegna barna 15 mánaða og eldri

    Hjón og foreldrar í sambúð
    Einstæðir foreldrar, foreldrar í námi, öryrkjar
    60.203 kr.
    73.667 kr.
    67.729 kr.
    82.876 kr.
    75.255 kr.
    92.085 kr.
    82.780 kr.
    101.293 kr.
    90.306 kr.
    110.502 kr.
    97.832 kr.
    119.711 kr.
    105.356 kr.
    128.918 kr.
    112.883 kr.
    138.127 kr.
    120.408 kr.
    147.336 kr.
    120.408 kr.
    147.336 kr.
    120.408 kr.
    147.336 kr.
Last updated 08. March 2019